About this Event
121 West Memorial Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 39406
https://www.tbcdonors.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/51897Join us for the competition between Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC on which organization can bring in the most donors. Upon arrival, donors will either check-in at the Air Force table or Army table. The collective goal is to bring in 150 pints between both organizations, with 1 pint equal to 1 donor.
The Mash Clash will be held in Cook Union, room G. Donors aren't required to register, but they can make an appointment here: https://www.tbcdonors.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/5189
For more information contact Lt. Col. Sheena Puleali’i at 601.266.4468 or sheena.pulealii@usm.edu or LTC Juan Ortiz at 601.266.4624 or juan.ortiz@usm.edu.